Workforce Development

Developing local workforces helps to ensure individuals have the education, skills, and training needed to obtain jobs. It links current workers of a community or industry to the anticipated knowledge and skills needed for the future.

A healthy local workforce is the backbone of just sustainable development.

A healthy economy is synonymous to a healthy workforce. By eliminating barriers for workers and businesses to thrive in both current and future work environments, communities are able to sustain themselves amidst technological and economic changes. By focusing on people who have been historically unsupported, economic health is deepened and broadened. 

Workforce development requires entrepreneurship incubation, skill development, educational access, continued training, business development, resume support, and industry-wide buy in. We work with individuals, businesses, industries, and across state economies to organize and build coalitions of workforce support. Out projects often work alongside large-scale partners to facilitate opportunities that serve their high-level goals which actualizing on-the-ground prosperity.